Avencia Consulting Services Limited (we), is registered with company number 10932950 with registered office No. 1 Spinningfields, Hardman Square, Manchester, England, M3 3EB
We will collect, store and use the following categories of personal information about you:
Credit card information; bank account details; salary and benefits information.
Marital or parental status; related persons data; name and contact information of dependents or beneficiaries including home address; home and work telephone numbers; mobile telephone numbers; beneficiary information; dependent information; date of birth; gender; emergency contacts.
Certification information; probation period and employment duration information; job or position title; business title; job type or code; business site; company, supervisory, cost centre and region affiliation; work schedule and status (full-time or part-time, regular or temporary) employee identification information; education, language(s) and special competencies; compensation and related information (including pay type and information regarding raises and salary adjustments); salary; payroll information; government tax reporting information; benefits; allowance, bonus, commission and stock plan information; leave of absence information; employment history; work experience information; information on internal project appointments; accomplishment and credentials information; appraisals; employment applications and resumes; training and development information; award information; membership information; date of birth; gender.
Domain names; IP addresses; billing and invoicing data; log data e.g. time stamps, duration, subject, recipient, sender; communications content data which relates to or identifies an individual, including IM, email, and voice recordings.
[In the following jurisdictions, Personal Data also includes corporate data (i.e. any data that relates to and specifically identifies a corporation): Austria, Czech Republic, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Norway (credit information agencies only) and Switzerland. Include descriptions of corporate data to extent any such data is being transferred in the aforementioned jurisdictions].